Monthly Archives: November 2010

Note to Sixteen Year Olds

Have you heard that slogan from the 1960s, “Never trust anyone over thirty”? Well, it’s still true.

Why? Because people over thirty have a stake in the system, and they are more interested in preserving it, than in sharing it with you. Either that, or they have no clue what’s going on, but they need to pretend that they do, in order to preserve their self-respect and get through the day.

Either way, their hands are dirty. They are opposed to idealism because it has failed them, or more exactly, because they have failed it. They have made compromises they want to believe were necessary. “That’s just the way the world is,” they will say. “We do what we can to survive.”

I’m over thirty, so I know what I’m talking about. Of course, you shouldn’t trust me. Trust only yourselves. Until you are thirty, then turn to self-doubt.